
PM’s move to protect foreign companies undermines democratic process

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s letter to the Tasmanian salmon industry, promising new federal environmental laws to protect the foreign-owned businesses, sets a dangerous precedent and undermines government process.

Changes to Australian law should come from public debate and democratic will, not deals to appease corporate interests ahead of an election.

“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s overriding of government processes and his own Environment Minister recalls the ‘captain’s picks’ of Tony Abbott – like knighting Prince Phillip and scrapping the proposed paid parental leave scheme,” said Bill Browne, Director, Democracy & Accountability Program at The Australia Institute.

“The NSW gambling industry used ‘MoUs’ with politicians to prevent action on gambling harm for a decade. Albanese’s pledge to change environmental laws if they do not suit polluters is just as disappointing.

“In Australia’s Westminster system of government, ministers are responsible for their portfolios – and Tanya Plibersek is Minister for the Environment. It is Ms Plibersek, not Mr Albanese, who promised zero extinctions under a Labor government and who is accountable to Parliament.”

“The salmon industry cannot rely on the Prime Minister’s pledge to make Australia’s environmental laws “appropriate” for the industry: it is Parliament that makes Australia’s laws, and the Labor Party has not controlled both houses of Parliament since World War 2.”

It is still unclear whether the salmon industry has the necessary approvals under the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

“The extraordinary measure of introducing special legislation to protect the foreign-owned salmon industry shows something must have been uncovered by the review being conducted by the environment minister,” said Eloise Carr, Director of The Australia Institute Tasmania.

“Special legislation for foreign-owned companies that is likely to condemn the endangered Maugean skate to extinction should not be rushed through in the dying days of this government.

“The Prime Minister should support the Environment Minister do her job according to science and the law.”

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Author: ibm1

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