
Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz Australian Speaking Tour: July and August 2024

Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate, former World Bank Chief Economist, and best-selling author and professor at Columbia University, will visit Australia from late July 2024 for a national speaking tour to discuss Australia’s growing inequality, the levers available to governments to address it, and his latest book, ‘The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society’.

The tour will see Professor Stiglitz speak at events across the country; one of several major speaking tours hosted by the Australia Institute to mark its 30th anniversary.

“Professor Joseph Stiglitz is not only one of the world’s leading economists; he has a unique ability to communicate complex economic ideas in an engaging and informative way. Professor Stiglitz’s imagination and clarity are just what Australia’s public debate needs as we face a cost-of-living crisis, a climate crisis, and declining faith in democracy,” said Dr Richard Denniss, Executive Director at the Australia Institute.

“During his last visit, Professor Stiglitz spoke forcefully about the need for Australia to reconsider the Stage 3 tax cuts and made a strong case for a windfall profits tax on the fossil fuel industry. While the government has delivered much-needed reforms to Stage 3, there is clearly still a lot of room for improvement in the way Australia taxes its gas and coal exports.

“We look forward to welcoming one of the world’s most respected economists and policy advisers back to Australia to help Australians better understand the challenges and the opportunities that face us.

“The Australia Institute is delighted to host Professor Stiglitz at such an important time in Australia’s policy debate, and we are thrilled he can join us to celebrate our 30 years of big ideas,” said Dr Denniss.

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Author: ibm1

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