
PRESS RELEASE: UK announces urgent recall of counterfeit LifeVac airway clearance devices sold on shopping sites

The MHRA, (the UK equivalent to the TGA in Australia) has just issued an Urgent Product Recall on Counterfeit LifeVac Anti-Choking Devices (2405-0111)
Description: Product recall for all counterfeit anti-choking devices sold via Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, Alibaba, Fruugo, OnBuy, Facebook Marketplace, and DesertCart presenting a risk of choking.
Hazard: The product may present a risk of choking as they may not work, and could worsen the situation by further pushing obstructions down the airway passage due to their poor design and quality.
Advice: Do not use the anti-choking device in the event of a choking emergency if you suspect that the device you have purchased is a counterfeit or unbranded copy of the legitimate LifeVac anti-choking device. Ensure that you dispose of counterfeit products safely.
And YES these are the same unsafe counterfeit LifeVac devices that LifeVac Australia has been reporting to the TGA since October 2022 that have put tens of thousands of Australian lives at risk. The TGA has refused to formally investigate, test the fakes to determine safety (despite being offered examples on multiple occasions) or warn the public about the danger and instead (without investigation or any verification with the manufacturer) told the Health Minister a lie.
“We believe that the advertisements are for legitimate products, possibly advertised by Chinese or American ‘sponsors’/retailers. LifeVac Australia may wish to speak to the manufacturer (their supplier) to discuss why other retailers are not restricted, by them, from promoting the product in Australia when they are the only Australian sponsor.” – TGA
Genuine ARTG-listed, tested, safe LifeVac medical devices are only sold in Australia by LifeVac Australia through their website where there is also a list of authorised re-sellers around the country, a small number of these sell genuine LifeVac devices on eBay. If you are concerned that you have one of these unsafe counterfeit devices please contact LifeVac Australia on 1300 890 345 or [email protected] for verification. At this time our advice is not to contact the TGA for verification as they have absolutely no idea how to correctly identify a fake and unsafe medical device.
Media Contacts:Name: Simon GouldCompany: LifeVac AustraliaEmail: [email protected]Phone: 0435862042Share:FacebookPinLinkedInEmailTweet

PRESS RELEASE: UK announces urgent recall of counterfeit LifeVac airway clearance devices sold on shopping sites

Author: ibm1

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