
PRESS RELEASE: Occupational hygienists launch groundbreaking new resources to tackle new Silica Safety Regulations

Melbourne, VIC – The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) – the peak body for the scientists of workplace exposure – has announced the launch of new resources to support businesses in complying with the new silica regulations set to take effect on September 1st.
The new ‘silica hub’ provides a vital location for businesses seeking guidance on the new regulatory changes. Developed by a team of expert occupational hygienists, these resources address the most commonly asked questions from employers and workers looking for guidance.
Past President Tracey Bence emphasised the importance of these new resources, stating: “Silica may be common in materials at workplaces but knowing how to control silica dust is not always common knowledge. Our aim is to empower businesses with that knowledge and practical solutions to effectively manage silica dust exposure. The new regulations require a detailed understanding and a proactive approach, which our plain language resources fully support.”
The silica hub features materials designed to enhance understanding and compliance. Topics range from how to check for crystalline silica, what are the high-risk crystalline silica processes, how to go about air monitoring, what makes dust controls effective, which masks to use for silica protection and other insights into real-world exposure scenarios and solutions.
Kate Cole, OAM, another Past President of AIOH, added, “With the seriousness of silica-related disease, it’s vital that businesses have access to credible resources. The AIOH silica hub not just educates but also equips businesses to make informed decisions about how to protect their workers from dust diseases.”
The AIOH urges all businesses where crystalline silica exists to access these resources to support compliance and to safeguard worker health as the new regulations come into effect. Access to the silica hub free resources is now available on the AIOH website at
About Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH)
The AIOH is Australia’s premier professional association representing qualified occupational hygienists. Its mission is to advance the knowledge, practice, and standing of occupational hygiene to maintain and improve occupational health and safety at workplaces, advocating for safe working conditions across Australia.
Media Contact:
For further details, contact [email protected] President AIOH Jeremy Trotman: 0408 994 788
Past President AIOH Tracey Bence: 0433 917 037
Past President AIOH, Kate Cole OAM: 0408 705 096
Media Contacts:Name: President AIOH Jeremy TrotmanCompany: Australian Institute of Occupational HygienistsEmail: [email protected]Phone: 0408 994 788Share:FacebookPinLinkedInEmailTweet

Author: ibm1

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