A loosely affiliated coalition of community organisations, local businesses, residents and planning experts has raised serious concerns that the NSW Government’s current handling of the Central Barangaroo project has significantly eroded public trust in the NSW planning process.
In a formal submission to the NSW Ombudsman, the group heavily criticises the performance of Infrastructure NSW (INSW) and its dual role in providing independent advice to the NSW Government while simultaneously acting as the applicant for the development proposal. They argue that this conflict of interest compromises the integrity of the process.
The coalition contends that the tactics used by INSW to get to this point have been misleading, citing several key issues with the development application:
• Misrepresentation of the approved Concept Plan for the Barangaroo site,
• Use of distortion and misrepresentation of both facts and imagery, and
• Elimination of previously established public compensations previously established for the public, tied to specific developments at Barangaroo South.
Spokesperson for the group, Dr Judy Hyde, said today that addressing the concerns of local residents, experts, and organisations is critical to protect the heritage area of Millers Point for the wider community and the nation.
“The tactics used by INSW can at best be described as questionable” Dr Hyde said.
The coalition accuses INSW of making numerous false and misleading statements, leading to public deception and confusion.
INSW has used optical techniques to produce images that create the false impression that obstruction of heritage views will be far less than they actually will be.
The result is a total cave-in to commercial private use over the public interest.
“As it stands, the development is a threat to the environment, it is totally at odds with the history and heritage of the Millers Points and The Rocks areas, it blocks out heritage views, particularly from Observatory Hill, and the connections of Millers Point to the water for visitors, tourists and residents, and it does not properly respond to needs for green spaces, walkways, and cycleways,” Dr Hyde said.
“This area is a national treasure. It is full of First Nations significance, it is a living museum of first European settlement, it is a thriving tourist attraction, and it is a wonderful place to visit, live, raise families, and retire.
“We are not against development. But we are against this development. It is wrong.
The group calls on the Premier to intervene and rectify the situation, insisting that the application be retracted to restore integrity and public confidence in the NSW planning process, and to ensure a positive outcome for the historical Millers Point area and the nation.
Media Contacts:Name: Dr Judy HydeCompany: Dr Judy HydeEmail: [email protected]Phone: 0427262920Share:FacebookPinLinkedInEmailTweet