
New supports to quit vaping and smoking

Media event date:
10 June 2024

Date published:
10 June 2024

Media type:
Media release

General public

The Albanese Government is providing support for Australians to quit vaping and smoking, with new Government advertising campaigns and updated quit support services.
The $63.4 million ‘Give Up For Good’ campaign includes four separate but complementary creative approaches which will raise awareness of the health harms of smoking and vaping, and encourage Australians to take advantage of newly expanded quit support services.
Four streams of advertising will target key audiences:

Young people who vape – ‘Why Are We Still Doing This?’
Adults who vape – ‘Vaping. Are You Really Choosing Anymore?’
Adults who smoke – ‘Choose Your Hard’
First Nations adults who smoke – ‘Keep At Quitting’ 

The ‘Give Up For Good’ campaign is historic. This is the first time that the Australian Government has advertised to the public about the risks and harms of vaping, the first time in nearly 10 years that it has produced a national population-wide smoking campaign, and the first time that TikTok will be used in an Australian Government campaign.
The first phase of the youth vaping campaign, which was influencer-led and included content by media partners Spotify and Year13, was another first for the Australian Government. The influencer content has been viewed almost 7.7 million times, across 10 videos and posts, generating more than 618,000 likes and more than 900 comments.
Dedicated resources have been developed for teachers, parents and carers of young Australians, including a fact sheet, frequently asked questions and conversation guide.
The campaigns will run across television, digital video and audio, social media, gaming, radio, cinema and out-of-home channels like billboards, shopping centres and bus shelters.
The advertising will run until December 2024 and is part of a multi-year investment, with future phases of advertising planned.
Resources for media are available on request, including information, statistics and links to download high resolution campaign assets.
For more information on the national campaigns visit: or
Alongside the launch of the public health campaigns, the Albanese Government today launched expanded and nationally consistent support services to help Australians quit nicotine addiction caused by vaping and smoking.
This includes:

funding to expand and ensure nationally equitable access to Quitline services;
development of an online cessation hub that is now live at;
redevelopment of the My QuitBuddy app to provide new features and support;
dedicated resources to support parents and carers; and
updated clinical guidance for health practitioners.

Approximately 3.3 million Australians reported vaping and/or smoking in 2022, though rates vary across the population and may be higher among: young Australians, First Nations people, those in in low socioeconomic areas, people in rural and remote areas, LGBTQIA+ Australians, and some multicultural communities.
The Albanese Government’s world leading legislation to prevent the domestic manufacture, advertisement, supply and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes is currently before the Parliament.
For support to stop smoking and vaping, call Quitline on 13 7848, visit, talk to a health professional, or download the My QuitBuddy app.
Quotes attributable to Minister Butler:
“The Albanese Government has been closing every one of the loopholes left by the former government’s failed vaping policies, including closing the border to non-therapeutic vapes and introducing world leading legislation to prevent the commercial possession, sale, supply and manufacture.
“In their entire nine years, the former government never mounted a public health campaign on vaping, nor a national population-wide campaign on smoking.
“Nicotine is highly addictive and before you know it, what starts as an occasional thing becomes something much more serious. But it’s never too late to quit.”
“If you are worried about the hold that nicotine has over you, remember that help is there. You can call Quitline on 13 7848, visit, talk to a health professional, or download the My QuitBuddy app.”
“All Senators now have the once-in-a-generation opportunity and responsibility to act to safeguard the health of young Australians for generations to come. The best time to have done this would have been five years ago, but the second-best time is now.”
Quotes attributable to Rachael Andersen, Quit Director:
“We’re here to help all Australians quitting smoking or vaping. Our new digital hub will evolve to meet the needs of young people, those most targeted by the insidious Big Tobacco industry, intent on hooking a new generation of customers on nicotine.
“We want to remind people they’re not alone in giving up for good. Quit services are culturally safe, they’re inclusive, non-judgemental and free. So whether it’s your first attempt to quit, or your tenth, we’re here to support you.”
Quotes attributable to Todd Harper, CEO, Cancer Council Victoria:
“This new federal funding will help us deliver the best prevention and quitting services to Australians who need them most.
“It ensures Quit can do more to address the 20,000 Australian lives lost to smoking related illness every year, and work to combat the steep rise in uptake of vaping by young Australians.
“We are pleased to work in partnership with the Commonwealth to best support more Australians to quit smoking or vaping.”
Quotes attributable to Damien Ellwood, President, Australia Council of State Schools Organisations:
“We commend the government for its action and provision of resources to support families and schools. By focusing on prevention and offering assistance to young people trying to quit, we can safeguard a new generation from the dangers of nicotine addiction.
“Through education, regulation, and accessible cessation services, the government is making significant strides in addressing the vaping crisis among young Australians.
“This action by government is in line with the findings from ACSSO’s ‘The Impact of Vaping Survey,’ which highlighted the widespread concerns about the surge in vaping among students and its associated health risks.
“By recognising the dangers of nicotine addiction, respiratory issues, and mental health impacts, and by providing the necessary resources, the government empowers parents and families to support their children and teens effectively. The scale and design of these actions can be assessed based on their impact on youth vaping, with modifications made as needed.”

Author: ibm1

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