- 0425 750 273
- 1 April 2024
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The Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria is a non-profit organisation and is recognised as the peak Greek organisation in Melbourne. Established in 1897 by some of the first Greek residents of the City of Melbourne, with its roots in the early in 1890’s, it is the oldest Greek organisation in Australia and the second oldest Greek organisation of the diaspora after the Greek Community of Alexandria-Egypt.
The organisation’s main protagonists during its foundation period, Alexander V. Maniachis (Zakynthos), Gregory P. Matoorekos (Spetses) & Antonios J. J. Lecatsas (Ithaca) were visionaries in their endeavours to create an organisation with a democratic structure that would serve the religious, cultural and educational needs of its members. For almost 120 years, the GOCMV has been, and continues to be, an advocate of cultural diversity by promoting our rich history to the residents of Victoria.
The organisation’s diverse and rich history is a testimony to the multicultural tapestry of Melbourne.
Today our organisation has over 5,000 individual members; making it the largest member based Greek organisation in Australia. In the spirit of its founding members, the Board of Management is committed to engaging its members in all matters pertaining to Greek-Australian residents of Melbourne, and ensuring that it provides its members with the highest quality services possible.
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