
Bowel cancer screening roadshow rolls into NT

Media event date:
21 June 2024

Date published:
21 June 2024

Media type:
Media release

General public

The Albanese Labor Government is bringing its Bowel Cancer Screening Roadshow to the Northern Territory to save the lives of locals by getting more people to do their free bowel screening.
The ‘Get behind It!’ roadshow features an interactive walk-through trailer with free prizes, giveaways, catering, games for kids and provides information for any one aged 45 to 74 to do their potentially life-saving bowel screening. Free kits can also be ordered on the spot.
The NT has lower screening rates than the national average of 40 per cent. Darwin is highest at 27 per cent, with Alice Springs at 22 per cent and Katherine at 15 per cent. The Roadshow is coming to the NT to try to get the Territory’s numbers up. 
Bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer among people aged 50 to 74. Raising the screening participation rate to 60% will save 84,000 lives by 2040.
Ninety per cent of cases can be successfully treated if found early. The screening test kit helps find cancer before symptoms develop.
Currently, people aged 50 to 74 receive a free bowel cancer screening test through the mail every two years through the Australian Government National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
From 1 July 2024, people aged 45 to 49 will also be eligible for the program and can order their  free kit from People can also ask their doctor about getting a kit. 
The roadshow will focus on First Nations people and people from multicultural backgrounds, who have lower screening rates. 
The roadshow will also travel to Queensland, ACT and regional NSW.
The trailer was at Mindil Beach Markets in Darwin last night and will be in the NT at these times:
Holzerland Park
Friday 21 June from 9 am
Katherine Visitor Information Centre
Monday 24 June from 9 am
Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service
Tuesday 25 June from 9 am
Alice Springs Show
Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July from 9 am
Quotes attributable to Senator the Hon Malarndirri McCarthy:
“Cancer screening saves lives. We need to get more Australians, particularly Territorians, doing their lifesaving bowel cancer screening.
“Cancer can be scary but finding it early gives you the best chance to stick around for your mob. I urge everyone 45-74 to put their health first for themselves, their family and their community, and do their bowel screening. 
“Visit the Get behind it! team at one of the Northern Territory locations. Arming yourself with screening information could save your life or a loved one’s life.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Solomon, Luke Gosling OAM:
“More than 90 per cent of bowel cancers can be successfully treated if they are found early on.
“Bowel cancer screening is a simple, free test that can find cancer before there are any symptoms. 
“I’d encourage everyone to check out the Get behind it! interactive walk-through trailer and get screening – it could save a life.” 
Quotes attributable to Member for Lingiari Marion Scrymgour:
“I’ve seen too many in our community diagnosed too late with bowel cancer. These screening tests are free and easy to do at home. 
 “It is simple – getting more Territorians to screen for bowel cancer will save more lives. Visit the trailer and find out more. It could save your life.”

Author: ibm1

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