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Our service is a web-based predefined and selective news aggregator. News is automatically categorized by our algorithm and listed on line.
As does not generate these news articles, it bears no responsibility for their content. is just listing the links and presents them on-line. does not download or saves to its service any content of text, articles, pictures, video or anything else from websites that do not permit that, it just lists live links from any of the respective websites. is just a "window" to other websites content that the visitor may choose or not to click on one of the listing links and transfer directly to the original content of its owner website. does not have any rights to the content it lists. We do not promote, endorse or take any responsibility of any of the content of our listing links.
Our listing links have the capability to connect you to other websites on the internet. Those websites may contain information or material that could be perceived as inappropriate or offensive by some individuals.

These external websites are not under the control of, and you acknowledge and accept this fact. assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the wording or description of products or services, compliance with intellectual property rights, legality, dignity, or any other matter, aspect, or opinion related to these websites. The existence of this links does not imply the endorsement of any website by or the existence of any relationship between and the operators of the other websites. We also service classifieds for everyone is welcome to post a job seeking listing or selling goods or service provide. At we believe in high quality and exceptional service. created and belongs to Mr. Konstantinos Chatzikostas. operates at Coburg, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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