

Investing in a strengthened Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Media event date:
3 June 2024

Date published:
3 June 2024

Media type:
Media release

General public

The Albanese Government is ensuring our national aged care system has a world-class regulator to meet the challenges facing the sector – both now and into the future. 
We accept all 32 recommendations of the final report of the Independent Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, with a number of recommendations already complete. 
Since the Government received and published the final report last year, a senior-level Implementation Steering Committee has been established in line with Recommendation 2.1. 
The Government has funded delivery of priority areas including:

$25.3 million, to assist the Commission to undertake its core regulatory functions and respond to two early recommendations from the review’s preliminary report (Recs 4.11 and 4.13)
$69.4 million for critical ICT and cyber security uplift (Recs 4.9 and 4.10)
$4.1 million to implement a new organisational structure (Recs 4.3 and 4.8)
$7.1 million to continue funding for the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner and associated complaints resolution staff (Rec 5.7)
$10.2 million for additional corporate capability to implement the Government Response. 

Significant investment in ICT is delivering more timely services for providers through improved risk-based decision making and use of data to support the Commission’s regulatory activity. 
Continued support for the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner will improve complaints handling for the sector. The role is increasing the Commission’s capacity to receive and resolve complaints and uses information from complaints to deliver better services. 
The expertise and knowledge base of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council has also been expanded with four new appointments and one reappointment (Rec 6.2).
Equipped with a wide range of experience, from aged care nursing and gerontology to human resources management and financial regulation, the refreshed Council will guide the Commission to be the contemporary and capable regulator the sector demands. 
Read the full Australian Government Response to the Independent Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. 
Quotes attributable to Minister Wells  
“Delivering safe, high-quality care to older Australians is non-negotiable. We need a well-equipped, high-performing, regulator if we’re going to meet the challenges facing aged care.
“The independent review led by Mr David Tune AO PSM charts a course for service improvement by lifting the capability of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and we’ve accepted all 32 of his recommendations.
“We’ve already made substantial progress in delivering on these recommendations, and I look forward to continue working with the Commission to ensure best-practice regulation and building a system that delivers excellent care for all older people.”

Author: ibm1

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