
Day: March 4, 2025

Full Stack Engineer

Job title: Full Stack Engineer Company: Transurban Job description: Working at Transurban is a place where you can see the benefits of your work play out in real life, every

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Clinic Co-Ordinator – Specialist Clinics, Cardiology

Job title: Clinic Co-Ordinator – Specialist Clinics, Cardiology Company: Alfred Health Job description: Alfred HealthAlfred Health is a leader in health care delivery, improvement, research and education. We are the

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Διακήρυξη δημοπρασίας του Προϊστάμενου της Κτηματικής Υπηρεσίας Πρέβεζας για πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος με θέμα την παραχώρηση του δικαιώματος απλής χρήσης αιγιαλού με ηλεκτρονική δημοπρασία σε θέσεις των Δήμων Πρέβεζας και Πάργας της Π.Ε. Πρέβεζας για το 2025

Ο Προϊστάμενος της Κτηματικής Υπηρεσίας Πρέβεζας διακηρύσσει ότι την 24η του μηνός Μαρτίου του έτους 2025, ημέρα Δευτέρα και με ώρα έναρξης 10:30π.μ. θα διεξαχθεί δημόσιος πλειοδοτικός ηλεκτρονικός διαγωνισμός για

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Occupational Therapist Educator | National Leader

Job title: Occupational Therapist Educator | National Leader Company: Frontline Recruitment Group Job description: Join an Australian leader, offering innovative, premium, healthcare equipment solutions! Incredible team, and educational opportunity!Company:Our client

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Registered Psychiatric Nurse Grade 2 – Casual Nurse Bank

Job title: Registered Psychiatric Nurse Grade 2 – Casual Nurse Bank Company: St Vincent’s Health Australia Job description: Job Description: Casual Registered Psychiatric Nurse (Grade 2) Positions available! Range of

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Business Support Officer – Pathology

Job title: Business Support Officer – Pathology Company: Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Job description: At Peter Mac we aim to continuously improve cancer care, research and education across all cancers

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Customer Project Team Manager

Job title: Customer Project Team Manager Company: Schneider Electric Job description: Job Description:Customer Project Team Manager Location: Melbourne, VICAre you passionate about leading projects and driving customer satisfaction? Schneider Electric

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Restaurant Manager – Melbourne

Job title: Restaurant Manager – Melbourne Company: Hospoworld Resourcing Job description: Looking for a leader for a new restaurant opening. Inspire teams, boost success, and make an impact. Quick path

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Research Fellow in Plant Biochemistry

Job title: Research Fellow in Plant Biochemistry Company: Job description: Offer DescriptionPosition Number: 0065269 Location: Parkville Role type: Full-time; Fixed-term for 3 years Faculty: Science Department/School: School of BioSciences Salary:

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Περίληψη απόφασης επιβολής προστίμου του Προϊσταμένου της Επιχειρησιακής Διεύθυνσης ΣΔΟΕ Αττικής στην εταιρεία εμπορίας πετρελαιοειδών «ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ ΟΙΛ Α.Ε.»

Με την υπ’αριθμ  36176 ΕΞ 2025 ΕΜΠ /27-2-2025 Απόφαση του Προϊσταμένου της Επιχειρησιακής Διεύθυνσης ΣΔΟΕ Αττικής επιβλήθηκε πρόστιμο είκοσι πέντε  (25.000,00) χιλιάδων ευρώ στην εταιρεία εμπορίας πετρελαιοειδών «ΑΙΓΑΙΟΝ ΟΙΛ Α.Ε.»

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Specialist O&G/Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Job title: Specialist O&G/Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Company: Skilled Medical Job description: Located 150 km east of Melbourne, the hospital is one of Gippsland’s largest employers, with around 2600 employees. It

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